Monday, February 23, 2015

In the last few years, I have developed a huge adoration towards cinema, and I would love to share some of my favourite films with you all. These are ten of the movies I love the most, in no particular order:

1. Edward Scissorhands
As a big fan of both Tim Burton and Johnny Depp, I feel like crying a little bit every time they work together. Edward Scissorhands being one of the first Tim Burton films I ever watched, has remained one of my absolute favourites ever since, making me cry every single time.
The design on the movie as a whole is super pretty as well, it makes me wish I could live in a neighbourhood like Peg's one day, and hopefully meet a human, if that's even what he should be classified under, as lovely as Edward himself.

2. Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
Not gonna lie-- I never knew this movie was based off a book until a long while after I'd watched it for the first time, and even though I've been dying to read it ever since I learned this, I haven't had the chance to get myself a copy yet, so I can't compare the two. I have to say, though, I am a sucker for Michael Cera and everything he does to the point where I am willing to kiss the ground he steps on, and that's the reason I ever watched it in the first place. That being said, the soundtrack on this movie is one of my all time favourites, which makes it just that little bit better; in my case, a "little bit" meaning a huge lot better.
Honestly, if you like music as much as I do, you need to watch this.

3. Donnie Darko
I love all alien/supernatural/dream-meaning stuff, so Donnie Darko is a must for me. Either way, I truly believe this is one of the films everyone should watch at least twice in their lives. I say twice because, every time I see it, I notice something new. It makes you think and concentrate, which makes me only be able to watch it when I'm in the mood, but that doesn't make me love it any less at all.

4. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
I only first watched this a few months ago after I saw a screenshot on Tumblr (typical), but I'm pretty sure I must have watched it at least another ten times ever since. It is another film about dreams and all brain related stuff, all fictional but really realistic at the same time, which is my favourite genre, so I'm surprised I'd never heard of it sooner.
Seeing Jim Carrey play such a serious role is mind-blowing and I must admit I didn't expect him to do such a good job.
I also feel somehow related to Clementine, which I believe is somehow good, and that helps making me love the film even more.

5. Scott Pilgrim vs The World
I just seem to love any movie with Michael Cera and weird-haired girls in them, don't I?
Sometimes I can be a bit of a nerd, and I must admit I did read the comics before watching the movie, but that was ages ago and being completely honest I can't really remember the details on them-- I might have to give them another read at some point soon. All I know is I loved how they transitioned them into a film, so that's good.
I find it such a good Sunday afternoon sort of film, it's so easy to watch, you just can't not love it. Plus, Ramona Flowers should be every little girl's role model.

6. The Fault in Our Stars
This is so typical and I am so extremely sorry, but after reading the book I became so biased. I have cried with a ton of movies, but never as hard as I did when I watched this (ask Georgina about this subject, she saw everything). TFIOS as a book made my heart sting with pain. As a movie, it made it burst. It's just so real and honest, I just couldn't handle it. Plus, Ansel Elgort.

7. The Butterfly Effect
Gotta love me some mysterious Ashton Kutcher.
I haven't watched this movie in so long, writing this post just reminded me of how much I like it.
Once again, a really psychological film you need to pay a lot of attention to. It is one of the very few movies I've ever needed to take notes to completely understand (keep in mind I was like 13 when I first watched it).

8. The Devil's Knot
Movies with real stories behind them are my actual weakness, as are murder stories and similars, so this was a win win situation. I watched it after Aimée's recommendation and loved it so much it quickly escalated up my list of favourites.
The West Memphis Three's case is one of the most interesting cases I have ever read or watched any documentaries about, and the film adaptation was really interesting as well.

9. Beetlejuice
Tim Burton makes it to the list once again. This film though, is so different to Edward Scissorhands. It sort of reminds me of The Addams Family when it comes to the stylism and designs. Also, the storyline is nothing like anything I have ever seen before. Burton definitely does play with death and life on his productions, but I really don't think he's ever done anything like this on any other films.

10. Mean Girls
Last but not least, Mean Girls. Would this even be a real movie list if it weren't on here?
I believe this is one of the stupidest yet funniest films of all time, and there is nothing I need to say because --I hope-- most of you have watched it a million times. God bless Lindsay Lohan.

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