Monday, February 2, 2015

  the state of being happy.

Happiness plays what I consider the most important role in life, and seeing people putting it in someone else's hands makes me so uneasy.
I believe each one of us should be responsible for our own well-being, and sometimes that requires a little bit of selfish-ness. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we should all just do what we think is best for ourselves without keeping in mind anyone else's feelings, that is not the right thing to do, but in certain situations it is important to know how important we are. I learned the hard way making others happy is not my responsibility, and when someone tries to make you feel bad about not being up to their expectations and keeping them content, they're not worth your time. Having to worry about your so-called-friends as well as yourself is mentally draining and unhealthy. Those are toxic people and they're poison. Walk away from them, you don't need them in your life. And if you really were so bad to them, I'm sure they would have stopped being in contact with you a long time ago.

Now, one of the things I do believe in is Karma. If you spread love and good vibes, that's what you're going to get in return. As not much of a believer (even though I don't particularly believe in a God or a superior figure, oblivion is just too scary for me to face, so the closest to a spiritual connection I have is my belief in reincarnation, a soul and ghosts), I have thought about it plenty of times, and my conclusion is this:
Because you care so little about the bad things and the negative aspects in your life, you are more focused on the positives, hence you only notice good things happening to you. I have also learned overtime that hate is really hard and time-consuming, and it is a thousand times easier to just ignore. A couple of years ago all I wanted was for everyone to love me, until I realised that was never going to happen, so ignoring the ones who dislike you is the closest I will  ever get to being loved by everyone I know.

This year I set myself a list of different resolutions to make it the best one yet, one of them being to explore my soul a bit more. Maybe practising yoga, or maybe writing a soul journal, we'll see what it is, but I am excited to reach that point in my life.
I would like to set myself a few more challenges though, some of them being these:

  • Learn to forgive because, as Buddha said once, "Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned."
  • Give more without expecting anything in return
  • Compare less
  • Spend more time building friendships
  • Be gentle to myself, because I deserve it

I really hope I'll be able to complete all of these as well as my new year resolution list.

Much love as always,
Vanessa xx


  1. maaaaan I always love your outlook on life it's so nice to be around <3

    1. you're so cute omg thank you!! literally all i want in life is to have a possitive impact on other people
