Monday, March 9, 2015

I have literally been working at my mumma's cafe for like 16 hours a day for the last couple of weeks and even though it is tiring as hell the people there have all made it so worth it. The cafe is placed in a really, really small town on the skirt of El Montseny, one of the tallest mountains in Catalonia. That one town is so tiny it's not even on a map, only 500 people live there, and most of them work the fields and breed sheep and chickens. I also must add they're all pretty weird, in a good way. Some of our most regular costumers are so nice to us, they honestly just feel like family. Today, for example, I was given a snapback by this man, Jordi, who comes over every single day and waits until we shut just to make sure we make it home safe and have no trouble dealing with drunks or anything along those lines. He is literally the nicest man I have ever met. There is also this girl, Rosa, whom I think didn't like me at all when I first met her, but then she turned out to be pretty great and we're getting along really well. Another one of my favourite costumers is Tomàs; he's this 50-something year old man, but he's just so funny.
And finally, there's this boy I sort of like. He's so annoying and teases me about literally anything I will ever do, even my accent is something he will jokingly make fun of, and I just love it so much. Being honest I haven't even spoken to him half as much as I have to other costumers, but it's just all about the teasing and throwing stuff at each other and having him hide my pens and newspaper and anything I could need or want just to make me pay attention to him, it's so infuriating but so cute at the same time. He will stare the whole time whenever I'm actually doing some work or just sitting with other people and also take some pictures whenever I don't realise, which, in all honesty, would creep me out a whole lot if it wasn't because it is him taking photos. He just is my number 1 fuckboy and I'm kind of upset he doesn't live in London. 
Back to my point-- everyone in this town is just so damn nice, I'm so happy to know both my mum and sister are dealing with such lovely people. 

Another of the thousands of things going on in my life at the moment is I'm flying back to the UK on Tuesday and I am so freaking excited to see my emos, especially Georgina- we haven't been apart for this long since we met, it's actually so upsetting. Partying in Leicester is something I am very much looking forward to. 

Life is so fucking amazing at the moment, I'm so happy with every aspect of it I feel like there is nothing else I need to ask for. Having an actual in real life crush at 20 is definitely not as bad as I thought it'd be, and he said he's willing to come see me in London so I'm taking his word on that. For the first time in ages I feel like I don't have a reason to be upset about anything at all, and I can assure you this is the best feeling in the world. 

I hope everyone is doing okay,
much love
Vanessa xxx

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