Friday, January 23, 2015

The last few days haven't really been that interesting, to be honest, but I do feel the need to document them, so here is this.
Just yesterday my family and I went up the mountain to see the snow, and it was so nice for a change. It felt so weird how the weather went from sunny to snowing as we drove up.

Because I have also been feeling a bit sick lately, I have been using  my time to re-read Looking For Alaska and watching some classics such as Scott Pilgrim vs The World, Beetlejuice, The Spotless Mind of Eternal Sunshine or Edward Scissorhands, the latest being one of my favourite films of all time. Gotta love me some Tim Burton. It's just such a beautiful story. I have also been watching The Office and let me tell you, Jim Halpert is the best human I have ever encountered, I am literally in love.
Another one of my favourite things to do in my free time is to make playlists. The last one I made on Spotify and I honestly reckon it's the best I have ever made in my 20 years of existence. Just click here and play it on shuffle, you'll thank me later. Keep in mind it was created at 4am.

That is pretty much all I have done these couple of days other than planning my return home, I need to save up as much as I can so I can spend some extra time at Georgina's and visit the rest of my emo squad, so I don't get to go out much unless it's with my family.
I am very much looking forward to carry on updating this blog, hopefully regularly. Looking back at old entries is one of my favourite things to do, and I love documenting my life.

Much love,
Vanessa xx