Sunday, January 25, 2015

Feminism and equality are such important issues recently, I feel like I need to write about them at some point, and that point is today.
Maybe because I was raised in a pretty open-minded household, or maybe because I have travelled and experienced a lot of different cultures, or even maybe because I have spent way too much time on tumblr, I have learnt to accept a lot of different people, and also to fight against and for others I refuse to ignore. 
Racism and mysogony are real issues I struggle to comprehend. Up until just a few months back I truly believed closed-minded people like that didn't exist anymore, and oh boy, was I wrong. The only reason I never realised how fucked up the world is, is because I never learnt to acknowledge the signs. As a girl, I was never taught what my rights were, so I never knew when someone was being a mysoginist. The media shows certain news only, so I never knew how badly non-White, non-heterosexual people were treated.
What I have recently learnt though, is that, as a girl, I do have rights. I should not walk around at night thinking about whom I walk past, in my case, living in a dodgy neighbourhood in London, carrying around a whistler, just in case I get robbed/raped/whatever a man feels like doing to me. A black human should not be scared of a policeman who could take their life for no reason and end up not even going to jail. An Islamist should not be treated like a terrorist because of their religion. There are lots of things to fight for, and we can not ignore them. We do need equality for everyone, and we need to fight for it. Girls need to support other girls and fight the media. Compliment other girls, be nice to other girls, help other girls, and don't feel threatened by them. We need to stick together. Accept all sexualities, because sex should not be a threat either. Accept cisgenders, gays, transgenders, bisexuals, pansexuals, and every other sexuality you can think of. They are also fighting for their rights and are just as human as anyone else. BUT REMEMBER, never degrade anyone. Don't trash-talk butthurt white boys just because they're butthurt white boys- that makes you just as bad as they might be. Use words and arguments, it's the only way through. 
The world is a fucked up place, but I believe that, all together, we can fix it. If I ever am lucky enough to have a baby girl, I don't want her to live with fear of walking around the city at night, I want her to live in a safe place.

That was something I really felt the need to speak out, now I'm just gonna go back to the usual daily blog lmao. 
Tbh I didn't do anything that special; this morning my family and I went to Tarragona, which is about an hour and a half away, and had lunch over there. It was quite nice, and we also bumped into some of my Mum's friends, which was cool. 

And other than that I've just been watching telly and playing with my dog. Pretty ace day if you ask me. 

Now I'm just hoping Mum will cook something nice for dinner, then I'm walking the dogs, and then I'd say I'm going to sleep but being realistic I'm going to sit on my phone for another 3 hours and THEN I'll fall asleep. 
And finally, if you've read this whole thing you are a true homeslice and I love you 💖💖💖

much love, 
Vanessa xx

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